KList KOL round-global ambassador recruitment

2 min readMay 30, 2021

KList has officially opened KOLRound-Global Ambassador Recruitment. To boost KList brand influence and forge global consensus, we are currently hiring self-media KOLs, rating institutions, community opinion leaders, video bloggers in the vertical DeFi field to be our global ambassadors. The KOLs who have passed official review will be rewarded with the KList KOL global ambassador whitelist quota and rights to participate in KList platform governance, voting, etc.

KList is a decentralized cross-chain IDO platform. At present, the announced seed round investment institutions include Advgrowth Fund, VEGA Ventures, 7 O’Clock Capital, Blockway Ventures, Hoo labs, Hot Labs, Panda Capital, K24 Ventures, Bitmart, Alphacoin Fund, Zonff Partners, etc. please follow KList’s official Twitter: @KList_ to get more announcements.

KList KOL Round:

Quota: 2000USDT per share, one share per person

Price: 0.25USDT

Release rules: 30% released before going online, 30% released in the second month, and 40% released in the third month.

KOL related rights:

1.KOL round whitelist quota (this quota is only for KOL global ambassadors)

2.The added- value brought by KList ecological development, participation in platform governance, voting, etc.

3.KList platform related resources cooperation and sharing

4.VIP channel (high-quality projects recommended by KOL global ambassadors will be listed on IDO in priority)

5.Priority participation in KList activities

KOL related obligations:

1.Know DIFI related products and learn DEFI to keep up with the development of DEFI market

2.Own DEFI-related private domain traffic to assist in the promotion of KList hotspots moments.

3.Proactively promote and maintain the brand image of KList, and no behavior or remarks that slander KList.

4.Do not use the KList brand to carry out unauthorized business use

KOL application process

  1. 1.Join KList official telegram group:


2. Follow KList official Twitter:


3. Please fill out the form after completing the process above:


4. After the review is approved, our specialist will contact you via email, please keep an eye on it.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KList_

Medium: https://medium.com/@KListOff

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KList/

Discord: https://discord.gg/qpersWjdh3

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KListOfficial

Telegram: @KListOff




KList is a super decentralized cross-chain IDO platform